February 2012 tournament
at Hubbard Creek Lake

The first tournament of the year was held at Hubbard Creek Lake.  The day began with a north wind, morning temperatures near freezing and 20 mile an hour winds.  As the day progressed it became evident that catching a fish or any fish was going to be a struggle.  56 hardy souls showed up for the beginning of the tournament but fewer than half the tournament field weighed fish.  Most everyone could count their bites for the day on one hand.

Pictured above:  Jason Fry - 1st place, Wimpy Fullerton - 2nd place, Michael Freeman - 3rd place, Todd Mayes - 4th place, and John Dyroff - 5th place.

1st place = Jason Fry - 3 fish - 18.08 lbs
2nd place = Wimpy Fullerton - 3 fish - 17.92 lbs
3rd place = Michael Freeman - 3 fish - 9.25 lbs
4th place = Todd Mayes - 2 fish - 8.89 lbs
5th place = John Dyroff - 2 fish - 8.22 lbs

13th place = Eric Seaton - 1 fish - 4.31 lbs


Big Bass:

     1st place = Jason Fry - 7.85 lbs
     2nd place = Wimpy Fullerton - 7.56 lbs

     56 anglers - 42 fish - 154.56 lbs - 3.68 lb average


February 14, 2012 Senior Tournament
at Lake Sweetwater

The senior tournament was held at Lake Sweetwater and it could not have been a nicer February day in regards to temperature and wind.  Fifteen members fished and the results could not have had more contrasting results.  Thirteen of us did not get even one bite all day.  Dewey Nichols had one bite, one fish -- 6.66 lbs.  Mike Pruitt found a honey hole one can only dream about between two boat docks and caught several bass over 18 inches on a jig. His top three bass weighed 19.33 lbs.
Mike Pruitt
19.33 lbs.
Dewey Nichols
6.66 lbs.
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